Music and Media 1

For this assignment you will be selecting a clip and writing a brief report.

  1.  Find a scene from a movie where music profoundly changes your emotional experience.
  2. Prove this to yourself by playing some other music while watching the same scene.
  3. Re-review this scene without looking at the screen, just listen.
  4. Write about the music you are hearing,  describe what instruments are used (to the best of your knowledge) more importantly discuss how they are used (long tones,  rhythmic patterns, dynamic changes, etc).   Discuss how this is different than music you hear at a club or on the local radio stations.
  5. Post your writing on a blog. (wordpress, blogspot, tumblr are all fine).

When you submit your work, please include the clip (put it on youtube if needed) and the link to your report.  Submit work via this link.

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