workflow lab
Today we discussed specific steps we could use to improve our workflow. This lab will explore some of those steps. The focus for this lab will be the steps for making of templates for your time managed workflow project. You may use this template or you may use this lab as a lesson for […]
Project 3
Project 3 will challenge you to apply all of your skills developed so far as well as applying what we discussed in the workflow lab. To make this a true challenge we will apply severe time constraints. The time constraints are as follows: No more that 2 hours of sound design and content preparation […]
Music Theory and Production
You may have already heard over and over, that you will be much better at music production if you know your music theory. But when you seek out lessons on music theory you are led down the path of classical music which for some people is almost antithetical to everything they are doing artistically. […]
Multi-mapping lab
Stacking instruments is a fun start to creating exciting and rich sounds. For this lab, we will go beyond stacking, to more complex keyboard mapping, such that you have a rich and varied collection of pitched instruments at the tips of your fingers. Challenges: Fixed multi-instrument (20-30 minutes): Create an instrument rack, where every two […]