Bring it.

It is often too easy to continue making music by trying to emulate people making the same kind of music you wish to make.   To get out of this rut, we can employ another creative process.  Lets call this process Inclusion synthesis.

For this lab,  select one of the artists or artistic movements we have discussed, or select a style of music as distant from your style as possible.

Listen to this music and find what makes it interesting.   What makes it good.  What makes it worthy of attention.   Take those elements and in no ambiguous way, synthesize them into your music.     Create a 2 minute musical example piece that combines your music with ideas/elements of this other music.  Make sure its absolutely clear what elements, concepts or sounds you used, how you used them, etc.

Submit the work by posting your song on sound cloud and submitting the links via this google form.

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