Analysis by deconstructing beats
In traditional musical analysis, we leverage the tools of Common Music Notation to better understand the elements that bring a musical work to life. In computer music, we use another set of tools to understand the elements of an existing piece of music. In the video linked below. Pat Cupo uses the practice of […]
Getting Started (CMA)
For some of you, this will be your first time playing around in a DAW. For others this may be the first time doing something focused and intentional in a DAW. Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) are amazingly powerful tools that let you create music with simple step by step tasks. While the simplicity […]
Present Music that Sings to you
One of the fastest ways to get to know someone is through understanding what they like about music. For this lab/presentation. You will select two pieces of music that mean a lot to you, inspire you to make music, or inspire you in life. If the music has lyrics please consider if it is the […]
CMA Fall 2015 Final Project Documentation
Video documentation of some of the final projects may be seen via the links below. These are unlisted videos. Amanda (take 1, take 2) Andrew Leo Justin Quinn Tyler
CMA1 Feedback
Here is a chance for you to submit some feedback. This may be especially important if you remember somethings after the final class. See form here.
SD1 Final Project Submission
The final project is due at 1pm on the final day of classes. Your final project must contain proper credits at the end. Also please add a 5 second count down at the beginning. Each group member must submit the final project link and answer the questions posed here.
Final Project progress 3
We are in the last 7 days (168 hours) of the final project progress. It is now time to identify what you can and must do to complete the final project. You may find that there are more things to do that you feel you have time to accomplish. To reduce the stress […]
Final Project Sketch
Today is the penultimate class you have an increasingly clear idea of how your final piece will come to fruition. Use the form linked below to provide a report on where your project is now and what you will do to wrap it up and present next week. Please use the form linked here.
Project Progress 2
Please report how your project is progressing. What is the most important lessons you have learned (the hard way)? Please use this google form to submit your progress report, use the form here.
Improvisation Ensemble
For this lab we will create and control sounds as an ensemble using OSC, Routing apps such as Max-MSP, MIDI-Bridge, and our DAW of choice. Materials: Download these patches (send) and (receive) Prepare your sounds (as agreed upon in class). a drone b whisper c assigned part 1 d assigned part 2 Connect your controller to […]
Project Progress
Please report how your project is progressing. What is working well, what needs work? How are you and your group members collaborating, etc? Please use this google form to submit your progress report, use the form here.
OSC, Networking and Music
For this workshop we will use Open Sound Control (OSC) to remotely control computers in musical time. Tools needed: 1. Max/MSP (free demo version is fine) 2. These patches for Max/MSP (Patch 1 & patch 2) 3. Access to wifi (ad-hoc or otherwise) 4. optional OSC software on your mobile device such as TouchOSC Musical Preparation: 1. […]
MIDI mapping, Imrovisation
For this lab experiment will are building a toolkit for improvisation. using sounds from previous labs, set up a session where you can trigger samples and loops. Add audio effects Connect MIDI controls to your audio effects such that Multiple effects are dynamically controlled with one fader/knob Effects can be gated/triggered by a sound […]
Final Project Production Plan
The final project will take us the last several weeks of the semester to complete. Each week project groups will make progress towards the final. Please fill out a google form with the key information about your project plan. Use the form linked here.
Project: Fibonacci refined
Building on your experience with the Fibonacci Music Lab craft a finished piece using the fibonacci series to inform your musical choices. Draw out an outline or rough score based on Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio. Use fibonacci values to make bold musical decisions. Also any detail that you might take too much time […]