This is the central page for all Computer Music Applications 2 assignments.

Syllabus: Spring 2016

Reading/Listening (finish before class)  Beginner Lab Advanced Lab  DUE @ start of class
22-Jan Introductions  Inspiration  Inspiration
29-Jan Basic Analysis  Sections  Sections+MIDI  Syllabus Confirmation
05-Feb See assignment Record snow.  Organized Sound   Organized Sound  Record snow
12-Feb Future of Music: Credo  Elements of Sound Design  Elements of Sound Design  bring a photo
19-Feb Intentional Sound Design  ESD-Review
26-Feb Experimental Sound Design  experiments  experiments
04-Mar Imitative Resynthesis  Resynth  Resynth++  Ingredients
11-Mar Creative Resynthesis  Rack-Resynth  Granular
18-Mar Hierarchical Composition  mid-term  mid-term  sounds
01-Apr Procedural Composition  proc-comp  proc-comp  sounds
08-Apr AI/Automatic Composition
15-Apr Interacting with Complexity  build on loops  bring it 
22-Apr Business and Booking  baby steps  vid-music-vid
29-Apr Herding Cats  giant steps  make it happen
06-May Showtime Final Final Final

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